Protective Earmuffs Designed for Kids
The next time you're at a sporting event, concert, fireworks show, or just need a little extra protection from life's loud noises, protect your kids ears with a pair of Muted Earmuffs!
The next time you're at a sporting event, concert, fireworks show, or just need a little extra protection from life's loud noises, protect your kids ears with a pair of Muted Earmuffs!
Why is ear protection important for my child? Children perceive sounds louder than adults because their ear canals are smaller, making the sound pressure entering their ears greater. This makes the decibel level of sound they receive higher. Basically, all those noises that you tune out, the lawnmower, the vacuum, a motorcycle driving by, sound exponentially louder to your kid. Repeated exposure to those loud noises causes hearing loss; hearing loss is irreversible, accumulates over time and can affect language development. Hearing protection can help to prevent this!
So, while we are making sure they root for the right team, or teaching them that you always mow the lawn in east to west direction or just starting their musical education as early as possible, make sure you protect those cute, tiny, squishy, impressionable little ears with a pair of Muted Earmuffs! Our earmuffs are ANSI certified and rated to 27 decibels.